Know More About Us
Advanced civilizations have always understood the critical importance of cleanliness. We at K&K Cleaning and Restoration are aware that the advancement of cleaning technology is vital for the people of the 21st century as well.
Our company was founded in 1972 to provide cleaning and restoration services in Toccoa, Georgia.
Our quality of service, cleanliness, and professionalism make us the preferred service provider in Northeast Georgia.
Our technicians and staff understand the importance of emergency cleaning techniques and are highly knowledgeable. We harness the latest cleaning technology to meet the needs of our customers.
We offer 24/7 services. Our technicians are members of SCRT and must pass the classroom and field training regimen.

Cleaning in Prehistoric Times
In prehistoric times, there was hardly any technology for cleaning, but with time, the ancient civilizations grew incredibly creative and understood the critical importance of cleanliness.
This is evident from the Roman frescos discovered in the ancient city of Pompei. The mural paintings depict the cleaning process and restoration services available at that time.